Important Dates & Other Information for Our Members
2025 Convention Information
Below you will find current documents for our July 2025 Supreme Convention and Supreme Divan meeting. We look forward to seeing you and your family at the convention.
*Last updated 11/7/2024If you would prefer these in documents in Word format click here to download a compressed zip file.
2023-2025 Supreme Divan
Congratulation to our newest Supreme Commander Clifton Dake and his 2023-2025 Supreme Divan.
From the archives - SC Cliff parades through Hamtramck, MI on Labor Day
Dates to Remember
Dates to Remember as a downloadable PDF
To add these calendar events to your phone, tablet or PC CLICK HERE
Programs and Documents
Governing Documents of the Order (Al Sunna)
Al Sunna and Rules, Policies and Procedures
The Order of the Alhambra, Inc. governing documents are the Al Sunna and Rules, Policies and Procedures.
*DEADLINE for Changes – As per the Al Sunna Rules Policies and Procedures, any Caravan or Region wishing to propose any Resolutions to amend, add to or remove any wording or articles from the Al Sunna must file such Resolutions with the Executive Secretary on or before (TBD date will correspond with the next convention).To download CLICK HERE
Alhambran Protocol Manual
To download CLICK HERE
Installation Ceremony for Caravan Officers - Short Version
To download CLICK HERE
Fez Decorum at Mass
Written by Past Supreme Chaplain, Father Paul Ballien (11/4/2015).
I understand there have been some questions regarding when to take off the fez and when to put it back on during Mass. So in answer to this question, here is the ruling. (Sashes may remain on throughout the mass).
SN/LN are to wear the fez at the beginning of Mass, all the way through the first couple of readings. SN/LN will then remove their fez just prior to the reading of the Gospel when the priest or deacon says: “The Lord be with you.” (When the priest or deacon says, “The Lord be with you,” the people respond, “And with your spirit.” The priest or deacon then says: “A reading from the holy Gospel according to…” And then he reads the gospel.) After the Gospel is read, the priest or deacon will say: “The Gospel of the Lord.” Then the people respond by saying: “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.” At that point, the priest, deacon or bishop will (should) kiss the gospel and then the SN/LN will at that point put their fez back on. SN/LN will continue to wear their fez until after the gifts are brought up to the altar. After the priest (or bishop) prays the prayer over the gifts he will once again say or sing: “The Lord be with you.” At that point SN/LN remove their fez and will not put it back on until after Communion. When the Eucharist is put back in the tabernacle after Communion is over, and the tabernacle doors are closed, that is when the fez is put back on and will be worn for the rest of the Mass.
Download a printable copy for your Caravan CLICK HERE
Caravan Bylaws (template)
To download CLICK HERE
The Order of the Alhambra, Inc. has created some flyers to be utilized and personalized by caravans. We ask that the flyers be used when you hold your functions, events, recruiting and canister drives. This is an inexpensive way of advertising, recruiting and receive donations.
Please note: PDF files can be easily distributed by email or printed out. Microsoft Word files allow editing so you can customize them with your Caravan's information. Simply make your changes, print them in any printer and pass them out."Recruiting New Alhambra Members" by VSC Cliff Dake (PDF) CLICK HERE
Alhambra Flyer for Caravan Use (Word) CLICK HERE
Alhambra Why Become A Member Brochure (PDF) CLICK HERE
Alhambra Why Become A Member Brochure (Word) CLICK HERE
Alhambra Why Become A Member Brochure (Apple Pages) CLICK HERE
Lend A Hand Trifold Inside (PDF) CLICK HERE
Lend A Hand Trifold Inside (Word) CLICK HERE
PROGRAM GUIDE – If You Build It They Will Come & Stay (PDF) CLICK HERE
PROGRAM GUIDE – If You Build It They Will Come & Stay (Word) CLICK HERE
Scholarship Trifold Outside (PDF) CLICK HERE
Scholarship Trifold Outside (Word) CLICK HERE
For caravans searching a abbreviated Ceremonial, this file can be used to perform the initiation on-line, over the phone and when we can once again meet face to face. When reading this, you will see that you will have to add your specific caravan’s information to make it complete. This should take about 15 minutes. Please make certain that all new member applications are filled out completely and signed by the applicant before forwarding this to the Secretariat along with a $10 application fee.
Download the Ceremonial Short Form in Microsoft Word format CLICK HERE
Fez and Medallion
Download this form to order a Fez (PDF) CLICK HERE
Download this form to order a Medallion (PDF) CLICK HERE
Membership Donation Award Program for Caravans
The Order has a Membership Award Programs whose purpose is targeted toward increasing membership in Caravans. The Order will make monetary donations to a charitable not-for-profit organization identified by the Caravan, for each new member initiated. The payment amount will be based on the “Option Plan” indicated by the Caravan.
Option 1 will pay $200 per member – the member must remain in good standing in their Caravan and pay membership dues to their Caravan for one full year as well as paying per-capita for one full year. These new members must purchase a fez or sash and accompany the order form with the membership application.
Option 2 will pay $100 per member – the member must remain in good standing in their Caravan and pay membership dues to their Caravan for one full year as well as paying per-capita for one full year. The purchase of the fez or sash will not be required for these new members.
The Caravan will receive a check made payable to the local charity of their choice. This plan applies to each new member initiated into the Caravan, per fiscal year. Payments will be eligible at the end of the full year after the following conditions are met.
Download the New Member Award Form and Award Policy CLICK HERE
Membership Pin Awards to Sponsors
Membership is the number one objective for the Order of the Alhambra, Inc. We would like each member to sponsor at least one new member as often as possible. Those members who sponsor two or more members for a Qualifying Ceremonial become a VIP Member of the exclusive Membership Pin Club.
The rules for receiving a Membership Pin are as follows:
SINGLE JEWELED PIN For reinstating or initiating a minimum of two members.
DOUBLE JEWELED PIN For reinstating or initiating a minimum of five members.
TRIPLE JEWELED PIN For reinstating or initiating a minimum of ten members. Also awarded for the establishment of a new Caravan goes to the member who organizes the Caravan, as well as the Supreme Director of that region.
A new member must have an Official Membership Number before the sponsor may apply for the pin.
Members will be allowed to trade up, upon request to the Home Office, i.e., member receives Single Jeweled Pin for two new members and initiates three more members for a total of five.
Membership Pin is to be worn on the Fez next to the first letter “A” in Alhambra (the side opposite the tassel). Only one Membership Pin may be worn on the Fez. Assist us in increasing the membership for the Order and make having a Membership Pin a standard part of wearing the Fez.
If you or someone in your Caravan qualifies for a Membership Pin, complete the form below at the link below.
Download the Membership Pin Form (PDF) CLICK HERE
Membership Forms
Membership Application (PDF) CLICK HERE
Life Member Application (PDF) CLICK HERE
Death / Demit / Suspension Reporting Form (PDF) CLICK HERE
Reinstatement Form to reinstate a member who is no longer active (PDF) CLICK HERE
Transfer Caravan Form to transfer from one Caravan to another (PDF) CLICK HERE
Memorial Service
Memorial Service Program (PDF) CLICK HERE
Prayer Card - Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi (PDF) CLICK HERE
Effective 11/01/2013, McDole Edge Corporation is the Order of the Alhambra, Inc.’s new insurance carrier. This insurance coverage is good throughout the United States and Canada.
The following information comes directly from the insurance company:
Any Order of the Alhambra, Inc. function will be covered under our insurance plan as long as it is benefiting the Order of the Alhambra, Inc. only. The only time you need a “Certificate of Coverage” is when the place you are holding the Order of the Alhambra, Inc. function requires one.
Download a “Certificate of Insurance Request Form” in Microsoft Word format CLICK HERE
Again, you only need a “Certificate of Coverage” when required by the place you are holding the Order of the Alhambra, Inc. function.
If required, it is very important that the attached form is used and faxed or e-mailed only. The fax number and e-mail address is listed on the form. If you do not have a fax or an e-mail, we are suggesting you go to a store that allows you to fax or perhaps get a member of your caravan to submit this for you. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
By following these instructions, this will make the flow of receiving your “Certificate of Coverage” be received in a timely fashion as well as preventing any mistakes that may otherwise happen if this information was placed over the phone.
If the place the Caravan’s event is being held and request a certificate of insurance ( Proof of Coverage) this form would apply.
As long as the event is being done for the Order of the Alhambra, Inc.’s benefit, the liability policy would also apply.
After completing the form, please send it back to the Office Administrator, Robert Long. Once he reviews the form, he will forward it to our insurance company. Once the insurance company sends the secretariat the certificate, Robert will email it to you. If you have any questions, please contact Robert by phone 410-242-0660, or by email Do not contact the insurance company directly.
Caravan Reports
Quarterly Grand Commander's Report to Supreme Director
Quarterly Grand Commander Report to Supreme Director (PDF) CLICK HERE
Annual Election of Grand Divan Officers Report
Form must be completed and returned no later than November 5th.
Annual Election of Grand Divan Officers Reporting form (Word) CLICK HERE
Annual Caravan Audit Report
Caravan's Annual Audit Report (PDF) CLICK HERE
Matching Funds Donation Grant Program
Through this program Caravans can request matching grants funds from the Order of Alhambra Charity Fund, Inc. in order to increase the size of qualified charitable donations.
1. Any charitable donation made by an Alhambra Caravan to an established charitable organization that adheres to the purpose and mission of The Order may qualify for a Matching Grant.
2. Any charity donation made by an Alhambra Caravan towards a specific charitable event, which the Caravan is hosting to further the purposes and mission of The Order, may qualify for a Matching Grant.
The Executive Board of Directors limits the amount of Matching Funds each Caravan may receive per fiscal year. The program matches a Caravan's contribution dollar for dollar.
Matching Grant Funds Donation Program (PDF) CLICK HERE
Summer Camp Assistance Program
The purpose of this program is to assist Caravans who wish to send mentally challenged person(s) to a special needs summer camp.
In order to help as many special friends as possible, this is a one-time, per person opportunity.
Each region qualifies for an annual $1,500 of camper assistance funds regardless the number of campers.
The Application to the Summer Camp Program form has to be completed in full, a parent or a person responsible for the applicant who can verify applicant’s funds must sign the application. The application is then proposed and signed by a Grand Commander and sent to their Supreme Director. It is the responsibility of the Supreme Director to contact the camp to verify the camper’s date of attendance, cost and sign the form. The original application is to be mailed to the Secretariat. Upon receipt, the Secretariat will verify if the application meets the requirements of the program and will forward it to the Summer Camp Program Committee for final approval.
Summer Camp Program (PDF) CLICK HERE
Alhambra Bazaar
Get some great Alhambra swag with a donation to the Order of the Alhambra, Inc.!
View the Bazaar's many treasurers CLICK HERE
Download a contribution form (PDF) CLICK HERE