Member Identities
Members are grouped in units designated "Caravans". Early Caravans were assigned names derived of Moorish origin. Today's Caravans are instead given the names of Catholic saints. The Order is identified by the EMBLEM and members are identified by the FEZ, sash or medallion they wear. It is through the Caravan that a majority of the funds are collected and the charitable work is done. Our inspiration is the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, patron Saint of our Order, which tells us that "it is in giving that we receive."
The official emblem of the Order of Alhambra consists of a crescent surmounted by a tower. It signifies the victory of the Christians over the Moors who occupied Spain for almost 800 years. The tower is a symbol of the Red Castle of Castile, and the Crescent represents the Moors occupation of Spain. The emblem is in the trademark registry of both Canada and the United States.
The Fez
The official headpiece of the Order is a white fez on which there is embroidered the word “Alhambra,” below which is embroidered a replica of the emblem of the Order, followed by the name and number of the Caravan to which the member belongs. In addition, at the discretion of the member, the title and office held, or city in which his Caravan is located may be embroidered on his fez. Each fez has a tassel, the color of which denotes the rank of the member, or the rank in office held.
Tassel Colors:
Brown – Neophytes
Red – Sir & Lady Nobles
White – Grand Divan Officers
Silver – Committee Chairperson
Turquoise – Committee Members
Gold – Supreme Officers
Purple – Priests
Black – Religious
Blue – Deacons
Prayer of the Order
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi is recited by assembled Sir & Lady Nobles at the opening of all meetings. A picture of St. Francis of Assisi and the prayer adorn the Spiritual and Memorial Gifts cards used by Sir & Lady Nobles (or anyone else) to send prayers for the living and deceased. These cards are used for Masses offered by the Supreme Chaplain and can be used to convey an expression of sadness, joy, thanksgiving or special intentions. Funds donated in conjunction with the Spiritual and Memorial Gifts cards are deposited in the Order of Alhambra Charity Fund, Inc., from which the interest is used to fund the charitable works of the Order.
Another official prayer of the Order is the Prayer for the Intellectually Disabled
"Lord, bless the Intellectually Disabled, those who minds do not grow with their bodies. Their handicap is not often immediately visible. They look forward to nothing, but the simplest rewards of Child-like desires – a warm smile, a touch, a kind word. Make us, who do not share their limitations, more aware of how we can help them, in gratitude for the mental capacities which you have given us. Protect them Lord from harm; give courage to their families and patience to their teachers, that these, Your Special Children may reach their highest potentials in this life. Then, as they are unable to seriously offend you, accept them into the heaven you have prepared for the very innocent. – Amen!"
In July of 2010 the Council of Viziers voted to accept Our Lady of Fatima as the patroness saint of the Order. Today we look to both St. Francis of Assisi and Our Lady for inspiration and divine guidance.
Click here for information on Spiritual and Memorial Gifts cards.
St. Francis Pin
The latest honoring of St. Francis of Assisi is an inscribed pin in the form of a cross that has been authorized for wearing on the fez by our Sir & Lady Nobles and as a pendant by Sultans & Sultanas. A donation of $100.00 is made to the Order of Alhambra Charity Fund, Inc. or the Order's General Fund for each pin or pendant.